This training intends to provide tools and skills necessary to become a successful yoga teacher for every DIFFERENT body & being. We are committed to empowering yoga teachers to...



  • Recognize & consider different types of bodies, communities or (dis)abilities

  • Know instructional strategies to implement depending on a student’s needs

  • Cultivate classroom management skills (props, assists, cues, demonstrations, hands-on adjustments)

  • Be able to observe a class skillfully & make real-time adjustments to postures, meditation or breathing techniques as needed

  • Appreciate different students’ learning styles and thus modalities of teaching



  • Understand the foundational benefits of yoga physically, mentally & spiritually

  • Learning the techniques and practice of yoga as well as teaching methodologies

  • Consider the safety of students with healthy movement patterns as well as recognizing specific contraindications/risks

  • Comprehend asana (posture), anatomy & alignment to reference poses

  • Develop healthful & mindful meditation techniques

  • Practice pranayama (breathing) methods using current field-research

  • Embody historical and contextual ancient yogic philosophies, ethics to apply to present lifestyles as a student, teacher and community member

  • Better understand human physiological body systems (brain, nervous system, etc) as well as energetic body systems (chakras, nadis, etc)



  • Envision, prepare & guide a successful, inclusive/adaptive yoga class

  • Develop appropriate language, conversation & means to include all students

  • Chanting, mantra, bhakti (devotion) and SEVA (service work)

  • Learn about your personal teaching style to develop your own voice

  • Read influential texts and listen to inspirational keynote guest speakers

  • Through personal development and deep-connection, learn to embrace & embody the bodies we’ve been given, so we may empower others to do the same.